2021- Ahh! Here we go again…

Tanishk Rao
4 min readDec 23, 2020

Yup, this is my first blogpost on this site. Looks like it’s 1:30 AM and I am ,damn, as bored as any engineering student would be during this critical time of academic year- end semester exams. Just one last chapter remaining on Finite State Machines and I can’t pull myself up to sit and finish that one lesson that could prove crucial for the exam.

However, as the year is ending -whether on a good note or not- it seems to me that the events happening in 2020 don’t need to be blamed entirely for the year to put us in a dire situation where, not our body, but our minds go hasty. That thought made me close all notes, pdf files and workshop forum sites, make a nice cup of coffee accompanied by cookies I adore, sit comfortably on my bed with the laptop on my lap and started writing on this blogpost. If you notice what I just wrote (or ‘typed’- to be specific), it just says that life needs to processed in every minute detail of time and not be observed in a large scale variant of bigger form of events or catastrophes.

Right from the wild blazes of bushfire to the tanker explosion in Beirut, from the shocking accidental death of a legendary basketball player to silent passing of some of the prime actors beloved by many , from the COVID-19 taking away million lives to a near war-like situation between 2 nuked-up nations that could have been more disastrous than what the pandemic has done; we are living in a dilemma of what we believe to be the worst phase of lives. Yes! You read it right….this is dilemma if you believe that other years in the timeline almost or never had some similar scenarios like the ones mentioned above. Name every disasters you ever encountered or have witnessed from other parts of the world via digital approach. Remember the wars that are still ravaging through the middle east, the conflicts happening in parts of South America and Eastern Europe, the political turmoil existing in Central Africa. How many terrorist attacks have been carried out in various parts of the world, endangering lives of so many innocent ones?

The bushfire posed as a potential threats to the existences of endangered species

Out there, medics and paramedics have been on frontline to isolate the COVID affected patients from rest of the world, giving them best possible treatment, risking themselves with the chance of getting exposed. Internal security forces are still walking the streets to ensure the serenade of peaceful coexistence is resounding through the locality. World leaders are mounted with multitude of economic and social burden to relieve the citizens of the existing threat against humanity. Biochemical research scientists putting their lab coats on day and night to assure everyone that there is hope. And here we are… sitting on our couch, binge watching our favorite Netflix shows as if its the only marathon we can go about, participating in Instagram challenges and playing Valorant and Cyberpunk 2077 the whole night! Don’t get me wrong, I am also part of these activities ( XD ). But what I don’t want to do is to keep telling myself about how the year is going bad!

Collin’s dictionary branded ‘Lockdown’ as “Word of the Year”

What really is going through the worse stage is our social life which plays a major factor in our life. It is affecting our brain triggering it to be tiresome and lazed out; happens to me, happens to everyone. However, we had enough enjoyment for now- more than enough! Just compare our situation with the other frontline warriors and leaders and introspect it again. Looks like, we had a very great time of our life and it’s difficult to either deny it or accept the fact.

After a long and rather detailed information on a brief events in the timeline, all I can say is that we need to prepare for every sorts of obstacles that might be either laid before us or thrown at us directly. I am saying this because, COVID has got a new kind of mutated version of itself arriving fresh from UK to every parts of the world for the past 3 months. Now, how 2021 will go….looks like we will be facing the quarantine-like scenario once more ( I am not sounding negative but giving realistic info) or race against time to vaccinate demographically affected cities and normalize the situation as soon as possible. My grandma always says, ‘Prepare for both the best and the worst possibilities of outcome’.

With what I have written, I am off now, need to finish that last damn topic for the exam. It’s almost 2:45 AM and looks like caffeine consumption’s gonna keep me awake till 5! Hope we stay strong together, it’s one thing we need to keep up with…

Till then… see you next time! 2021, here we come…

